Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My 1/4 Life Crisis

So, all year I've been saying I'll do my portfolio and now it's almost March and I have nothing....I need to fix CAD drawings, create 3D renderings, and rebuild models while remaining sane. My number one phrase that everyone catches on to immediately is: "I'm freaking out!" & this phrase even followed me to Versailles when I exclaimed to all the French students that "Je suis freaking out!" From this day forward I plan to do what I set out all year to do; I am the #1 procrastinater of all time. Time to conceptualize!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Don't feel bad, I'm a HUGH procrastinator. I usually wait until the last minute to these blogs and the homework assignments. It's a good thing I learned a trick about blogger in the last class I had with Paul.